WATER CYCLE HOUSE - CYCLE : Bio Greenhouse - Life Space - Water Tank Water cycle house is a minimal Life space adapted to a mode of throught responsible and respectful of the environement, using technologies of the spatial research . This project aims has demontrer a certain future in a minimal habitat. Developing a certains number of stemming technologies of the spacial research a Biological Life notion of responsibility as compared to the envirronnement. In this individual house the Water is Recycled to 100%.
To live in a space reduces with notion of space economy / of water / of energy.
- Bio Greenhouse: For recover atmospheric humidity. Place a unit uses the Aerogel for recuperer the stemming atmospheric humidity
of the greenhouse. The Aerogel absorbs the humidity atmospheric to ambient temperature and after having bed heated to 150-300,
regenerates it in vapor of water. One of the possible alternative resource is the recuperation of the humidite atmospherique by using a dessicant (aerogel).
- Then to filter the water salts the systeme of the osmose inverted that by (under) pressure and passage by filters then a membrane purifies totally the water. http://eande.lbl.gov/ECS/aerogels/satoc.htm
- The Inflate and deflate the furniture are manufactured in Silk Glass covered with Silicon Rubber in internal structure of the armchair are
3D fibers structured in alveolars.
- Life Space: Minimal life space
the typical constitution of the space of the tubular form whose tidyings and main functions are regrouped in a wall .
- This Wall Furniture unit allows to tidy the furniture and whole contains the space of life furniture are inflatable. A system of pump to Air integrate allows to Inflate and deflate the furniture. The control of the hot water and the air coditionn are integrated there.
- The solar collectorutilization as source of energy, solar panels situated on the roofing. The shell exterieur of the house is in Ceramic Matrix Composites ultra resistante. Albany International Techniweave, Inc.